Nature Identification

Bird Identification Help Group at Flickr
If you’ve managed to take a photo of bird that’s new to you, even a blurry photo, if you upload it to this group the odds are that someone will assist you in identifying it.. Of course this only works if you have a Flickr account and join this group
Maybe you are really interested in insects. Maybe you just took a fantastic macro shot of a bug, and you’d like to say what it is when you publish it on the web. No matter what your motivation, this site is the easiest way of discovering a bug’s species. Simply sign up for a free account, upload a photo of the bug in question, and before you know it, helpful people are telling you what it is.
Ohio’s 15 species of frogs and toads at a glance
This is one of my posts. I have picked a representative photo of each species, and when two species seem similar, I try to point out a differentiating characteristic.
Ohio’s Spring Wildflowers
Three pages of thumbnail photos of Ohio Spring Wildflowers, published by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
What tree is it?
Published by the Ohio Public Library Information Network; discusses trees in terms of their leaves, fruit, common and scientific names.
© Deborah Platt, Robert Platt and 2012 to 2021

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