The TrekOhio Store

We have partnered with to offer a number of products to the public. Current products include calendars and Logo-related goods. If you like, you can shop directly at our Zazzle storefront. All of the logo-related groups below link to the corresponding product category at Zazzle. However for the calendar offerings which use our own photos, I have linked to a TrekOhio page that displays the photos and describes the choice of styles and sizes.

In most cases you can choose the color of the product when you click on its page. When looking over the women’s tees, note that on the individual product pages, there is information in the lower left about the “Size & Fit”. A number of the women’s shirt styles run small, and the Zazzle page suggests whether you might want to consider ordering a larger size than usual.

The Hocking Hills 2016 Calendar
The Hocking Hills 2016 Calendar
Bottles, Can Coolers & Bottle Openers
Bottles, Bottle Openers & Can Coolers
Mugs & Magnets
Mugs & Magnets
Men's T-shirts
Men’s T-shirts
First click on a shirt, then pick a color.
Women's Tees; note "Size & Fit" in lower left on individual product pages.
Women’s Tees
First click on a shirt, then pick a color.
© Deborah Platt, Robert Platt and 2015