Posted in Hiking, Park visit

Great Seal State Park in Late Winter

My daughter doesn't like hiking this time of year when there's no snow on the ground and the forests are devoid of greenery. As she puts it, "The forests look like a nuclear wasteland." Although I see her point, there are some advantages to hiking now. If you are considering hiking to some destination where there is no trail (like Trimmer Arch in the Paint Creek Wildlife Area) then going at this time of year means that you will have to contend with the least amount of undergrowth of the year. Similarly Read more ➜
Posted in Hiking, History, Park review, Southeastern Ohio

Great Seal State Park

The weekend before last Bob and I paid a visit to Great Seal State Park in Ross County, Ohio. This 1862-acre park features 5 miles of nature trail plus an additional 17 miles of multi-use trails that may be used for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. The central feature of the park is a line of hills that are depicted on the Great Seal of Ohio. The Great Seal Of Ohio Just like the United States has a great seal (pictured here), all of the individual states have their Read more ➜