Shale Hollow is Delaware County’s newest park having just opened in December. It is named for a small canyon of 20 to 40 foot shale cliffs rising above a stream named Big Run.

We visited Shale Hollow a couple of times in the past month. The park consists of 188 acres encompassing a ravine, forest, and meadowland. A gravel roadway leads to a parking area next to a nature center. The nature center features a small exhibit explaining the natural history of the area including the 375 million year old shale cliffs. It has restrooms and a classroom area with a nice view of the hollow. Brochures with maps of the park are available near the front door.

The hollow itself is open to the public for exploration (but not to pets). The cliffs date back to the Devonian period when all of Ohio was a shallow sea. Concretions – round hard chunks of sedimentary rock can be seen embedded in the cliff face.

From this free-exploration area in the hollow, you can ascend a steep, narrow trail that leads to a rim overlooking the hollow (the Overlook Trail).

After taking in the view from the rim, we walked the Great Horned Owl Trail, a 1.1 mile trail that starts near the parking lot, approaches US 23, and then loops back (see the red, dashed loop in the map below). The Great Horned Owl Trail runs parallel to Big Run for a while and passes through woods and prairie. The trail is a wide, packed-gravel path; there are a couple benches along the trail. Pets are permitted on the Great Horned Owl Trail.

Since the park just opened in December, we’ve only had an opportunity to see what it is like in winter. However, once it warms up, there is supposed to be a beautiful display of wildflowers there. We definitely plan to return.
Additional information
- TrekOhio: Delaware County Parks & Preserves – includes a link to Shale Hollow’s official site as well as information on nearby parks.
- Wikipedia: Concretions
- Address: 6320 Artesian Run, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
- Directions: From Columbus, take US 23 north. At the first light after Lewis Center Rd., turn left onto Olentangy Crossings Rd. You’ll head for a sub-division. Just prior to entering the sub-division,turn right onto Artesian Run. Directly ahead, you’ll see a sign for the park entrance.
More on Delaware County
Looks a nice place! Interesting info about the geology.
Congrats on getting your new site 🙂
Thanks, Adele. Becoming accustomed to the technical side of running a web site has been quite the learning experience.
My congratulations on your new site also. I love especially winter photos from there.
Sartenada, thank you. 🙂 It rained a bit this week, but winter is not over. It is supposed to be cold and snowy next week.
Congratulations on your new site. That water flowing in the stream sure is beckoning.Love the bright blue sky.
Jane, thank you! It’s really been quite the learning curve.