Quite a few of the parks where I hike have structures or other vestiges of days gone by. During our hike to Clear Creek Metro Park, there was a log cabin and a barn made of hand-hewn timber. For a while I had been thinking, “Wouldn’t it be fun to take my photos of these structures, and give them a vintage look?” So here is my first effort at doing just that.

I followed the instructions I found in this YouTube video to do the above photo-editing. The instructor in the video explains how to use free software (GIMP) to turn a contemporary portrait into a vintage portrait. So I tried to adapt her instructions to do some vintage landscapes. I’m not entirely sure of what I’m doing yet, but maybe with a little more practice I’ll get it down.
And since I’m in my fifties, I’m pretty vintage, too. So I was looking at a photo that Bob took of me in my Tilley Hat, and I decided to vintage-ize myself.

Additional Information
- TrekOhio: Clear Creek Metro Park Review
- TrekOhio: Overview of Hiking Trails in the Hocking Hills
- TrekOhio: Hocking County Parks & Nature Preserves
Nice. I’ve also done this with a photo. The days of film are numbered but a Holga plastic camera and some 120 Ilford black/white 400 speed film gives a great old look. I have some taken at a Civil War Remembrance at Greenfield Village in Dearborn MI. Occurs Memorial weekend most years if you’re up for trip north..
A civil war re-enactment would be a great place to do some vintage photos. Is a “Civil War Remembrance” the same kind of event? Very cool that you are using film to get the old look.
Check out the website. Better than just a re-enactment there are tents with folks dressed up in civil war era outfits, there is a fashion show, etc.;
It looks fun!
Thanks, Carol! I’m just doing a little experimenting. I just tried applying this process to a flower photo to see how that would work.
It’s really pretty…I love it!
Thank you! I’m thinking this might be fun to do a rose or poppy photo. In fact, if the flower was a bit past its prime, it might work out even better.
You’re right…I’ve given it a try before, but mine didn’t come out as lovely as yours. Maybe I’ll try again someday.
You’re being so sweet. I was just following someone else’s instructions.