This past Saturday was cold and the ground had a thick cover of snow. Perfect weather to go see polar bears in central Ohio.

We were at the Columbus Zoo which features a polar bear exhibit. It has a large open area for the bears and a fish stocked pool (chilled in the summer) with an underwater observation room for visitors. The two female bears were snoozing and the male was calmly surveying the terrain.

Many of the zoo’s animals are indoors for the season, but several of the North American animals were out enjoying winter. One of the river otters was diving into an open area in the ice and emerging on the opposite side of an artificial stream. Pumps help insure some open water even in cold weather.

The two wolverines were wrestling with each other and frolicking in the snow.

The timber wolf was out and about and the caribou were grazing in their respective enclosures.

Finally, to warm up, we visited the manatees in their heated building. The zoo recently received a new youngster who was happily swimming in the lagoon.

Columbus Zoo polar bear at play – in warmer weather
Additional information
- Columbus Zoo & Aquarium
- TrekOhio: Delaware County Parks & Preserves This is the county where the zoo is located; check it out for basic information about the zoo and for information on nearby parks and preserves.
More on Delaware County
What a back flip!
Oh, now you’re just rubbing it in! 🙂
Yep. Tired of winter yet?