Yesterday we went on an early evening walk at Char-Mar Ridge Preserve. We were half-way around the loop trail when we heard a strange sound. It sounded like a fire-breathing dragon (if there were such things) and it was getting closer. I immediately recognized it and we started watching the sky. Deb was ready with her camera as the hot-air balloon flew over still fairly close to the ground. It drifted overhead, firing its burners to gain more altitude. Then it vanished over the tree line, the roar of the burners fading in the distance.

Here’s a few other pictures that Deb took on our walk. Normally we see some waterfowl and maybe a turtle or two. The hot-air balloon was a first.

Additional information
- TrekOhio: Char-Mar Ridge Preserve
- TrekOhio: Delaware County Parks & Preserves
More on Delaware County
Great photos of a great park!