This post features assorted, spring flowers that I photographed this past April in Ohio that did not have spiders on them. Click on a flower if you’d like to see a larger version of it. Hovering over each photo with your mouse will display the species name if I’ve managed to identify it (Update: I’ve since gone back and added an identifying caption after each pair of flowers). If you can identify any of the mystery flowers, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

More on Wildflowers
© Deborah Platt, Robert Platt and 2012 to 2021
Excellent collection of photos that really capture the feeling of spring. Many of your flowers in Ohio are so different from those I find way out west, but I think the yellow flower cluster towards the center of your post may be a type of wallflower (Erysimum). Perhaps Erysimum cheiranthoides or capitatum? If you remember what county you photographed them in, the USDA plants database maps are invaluable for narrowing down identifications!
Thank you for your kind words about the photos, and for the lead on identifying the yellow flower cluster. I do usually know the county where I photographed something, so I’ll have to see what I can discover by checking out the USDA plant database.
Excellent! Were these taken using a macro lens?
Thank you! I’m using a point-and-shoot camera, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS6. I am using its macro setting.
What beautiful little treasures you’ve found in April. Great captures! Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me!
Donna, thank you! I absolutely agree with you about how amazing nature is. Now I am eagerly on the lookout for May flowers. 🙂
sooo colorful 🙂
Thank you, marviiilous!
I think the purple ones in the last row on right are wood hyacinth. I have some in my yard.
Sally, I missed your comment somehow. Sorry about that. In the meantime I thought I had identified that last flower (someone else had said they were “Harebells”), but I just googled images for wood hyacinth, and that looks like a really good match, too. Now I’m pretty confused about the whole thing. LOL. At any rate, I thank you for your suggested identification.
Beautiful! I haven’t seen Dutchman’s Breeches in a long time.
Thanks, Sally! The ones in the photo were near a marsh. The water was about 10 feet away.
Fantastic images! I recognize them all. ~Susan
Thank you, Susan. 🙂