Lowe-Volk Park is a 38-acre county park located in Crawford County. The Sandusky River flows through the northern edge of the park. The park features a nature center, two miles of hiking trails, and a fishing pond.

The nature center contains many exhibits, classrooms, restrooms, and a nature viewing area for bird watchers. The staff also put on special events and educational programs.

In front of the nature center was a small garden planted with wildflowers.

We visited the park on “Camo Day” – an event where the park displayed exhibits having man-made or natural camouflage. The Ohio Air National Guard displayed a couple of camouflaged trucks and the park showed off the camouflage capabilities of various animals. One event for children was a scavenger hunt along the trail that demonstrated animal camouflage.

The hiking trails are well developed and include bridges, boardwalk, overlooks and numerous benches along the way. The photos below were taken during our hike there.

From the deck steps descend to the river’s flood plain (shown in the top-most photo of this article). The riverbed is very rocky, and at places the flood plain is edged by cliffs

Additional information
- Crawford County Park District web site
- Crawford County Park District: Calendar of Events
- TrekOhio: Crawford County Parks & Preserves
- Address: 2401 SR 598 Crestline, Ohio, 44827
- GPS Coordinates: 40.792535,-82.7899217
- Google Maps: View on map or get directions
More on Northwestern Ohio
Looks like a fun place to visit!